Wetherby School takes boys from Nursery to Year 3. There are four classes in Reception and Years 1, 2 and 3. Each year group operates in a parallel fashion. As Wetherby, the school is divided into Lower School – Reception and Year 1 and Upper School – Year 2 and Year 3.
The ethos of Wetherby can be summed up in the phrase, “Dream big, do your best, be ready” and we have high expectations of the entire community. The emphasis is always on acknowledging the positive and the boys can earn an array of awards celebrating their successes. The boys take pride in wearing the Wetherby uniform and understand the importance of being a Wetherby Ambassador both in and out of school. Every boy also does his best to follow the rules of being a Wetherby Ambassador and there is a weekly school target to follow which is related to these rules. The class that works hardest at the target is presented with the Wetherby Bear in assembly.