Break time at Nursery


Music is a unique form of communication which enables personal expression, reflection and emotional development. It is also a universal language which can be understood and appreciated by all ages and all cultures. At Wetherby, all pupils experience a wide variety of musical styles and they grow in confidence as they gain fulfilment through their enjoyment of the subject.

The main objective is to foster an enjoyment and love of aspects of music. This is achieved through enabling each pupil to participate in a variety of musical experiences and encouraging pupils to express ideas, thoughts and feelings through composing and performing music. We enable personal expression and reflection when appraising music and all pupils develop an awareness and understanding of different musical styles, traditions and cultures through history and throughout the world.

All pupils from Little Wetherby to Year 3 have weekly timetabled music lessons delivered by a specialist teacher. These cover the areas of performing, composing, listening and appraising and are often delivered using a cross curricular approach through topics linked with history, geography and science. The use of ICT in lessons also enhances the delivery of the music curriculum.

In addition to the timetabled class lessons we offer individual instrumental lessons and these are available from Year 1 in guitar, piano and violin. Each term there is an instrumental concert, held in St. Matthew’s Church, which gives boys an important opportunity to perform. An orchestra, consisting of the most experienced players in the school rehearses weekly and has various performing opportunities throughout the year.

We also have three choirs in the school plus an additional singing group in Year 2 and 3, and these boys perform on several occasions throughout the year. There are many opportunities for all boys in the school to perform at events. These start in Little Wetherby with Christmas and summer concerts for parents; the Reception boys perform a nativity play and sing in Fathers’ Day and Mothers’ Day concerts; all boys in Years 1, 2 and 3 perform in the Harvest Festival and the Christmas carol concert.