children on a school trip

Year 2 Trip to Chiltern Open Air Museum

The bus was parked waiting for us all to hop on board. A blanket of white wonderful clouds hid the sapphire blue sky. We all excitedly sat down aboard the bus ready for a long journey. Luckily we didn’t feel the time pass because we could enjoy the ‘Incredibles’ movie all along the way. And at last we made it! First we zoomed back in time to a Victorian church where there were lots of old looking desks and a picture of Queen Victoria, we even used slates to practice spelling and our two times table! Then we had a short visit to the ginormous playground. Where we fought an epic battle. Next we devoured our scrumptious lunches like starving squirrels do. The afternoon was packed with minibeast workshop and playground fun. We happily collapsed in our comfortable seats and sadly we didn’t watch TV.

By Charles V, Year 2